Saturday, February 19, 2011

People trying to change you? Don't let them.

Don't let people try to tell you who and what you should be. It's not worth it to change yourself to fit into Society's little world of perfect.
Being a clone of someone else doesn't make you any happier at the end of the day. Speak your mind, and let people know that you refuse to be anything else but who you are. And if there are some people who don't want to be around you because of that, then let them pass you by to go and socialize with the next clone.
Unfortunately, a person has to have certain personality traits to get to the higher places in this world. But is it worth it to sacrifice who you are to get to those higher places? Or would you rather get by with your lower position in the world and keep your individuality intact?
People may argue with you and tell you that it's worth it, but are they actually happy? Are they living the life they want, or do they have everything they could possibly want and afford, but still be unhappy because they sacrificed who they are to get to the higher places in the world?
So at the end of the day, it isn't worth sacrificing who you are to get to the higher places in the world, even though it may seem as if the grass is greener on the other side...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Let nothing hold you back

Chances are, if you're a misfit, you're going to come across a lot of naysayers. No matter what anyone tells you, it's not worth it giving up your values, morals and outlook to accommodate everyone else telling you how you SHOULD be. The best thing you can do is to be yourself. Don't let anyone else mould you into their version of 'perfect'.
Life is short, so don't let anything hold you back. Have the courage and determination to live the life everyone else is afraid to live. If people tell you you need to grow up, have the guts to tell them that they shouldn't take life and themselves so seriously. Have the guts to have dreams, and to not want to do the same damn routine day after damn day, 'cause that's when life starts getting boring and monotonous, and when people start to get sour and serious. And if people get angry with you, tell them off.
Don't let people tell you that you don't know anything because of the age you're at, because chances are, there probably are some things that you do know...even better than them. The world is pretty screwed up already, so you need to inspire people by being yourself, and fighting for causes that actually matter...and live life!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Being different is NOT a bad thing.

Being different has gotten a bad name:
It can be associated with being alone, being bullied, being ignored and being misunderstood.
But being different can also be a good thing:
People will definitely remember you, even if they don't like you.
You can speak your mind, even if other people don't like it.
You can stand out in any crowd.
And, plus, you have a mind of your own, and you can speak up for yourself.
People are so afraid of being different, because of the bad name it has gotten. People don't like being alone.
In today's fast-paced world, you either get with it, or you're shoved to the outside. Have the courage to fight back, and let other people know that you do deserve a place in the world, even though you might not think the same way they do or even do the things everyone else does. Fight for what you believe in, which is being yourself, and having your own opinions and giving a voice to them without being looked down upon because you don't seemingly 'know any better'.
Life is too short to be a clone of someone else. Also try to be an inspiration to other people who are too afraid to be themselves. They'll definitely be a better person for it! : )