Friday, January 14, 2011

Being different is NOT a bad thing.

Being different has gotten a bad name:
It can be associated with being alone, being bullied, being ignored and being misunderstood.
But being different can also be a good thing:
People will definitely remember you, even if they don't like you.
You can speak your mind, even if other people don't like it.
You can stand out in any crowd.
And, plus, you have a mind of your own, and you can speak up for yourself.
People are so afraid of being different, because of the bad name it has gotten. People don't like being alone.
In today's fast-paced world, you either get with it, or you're shoved to the outside. Have the courage to fight back, and let other people know that you do deserve a place in the world, even though you might not think the same way they do or even do the things everyone else does. Fight for what you believe in, which is being yourself, and having your own opinions and giving a voice to them without being looked down upon because you don't seemingly 'know any better'.
Life is too short to be a clone of someone else. Also try to be an inspiration to other people who are too afraid to be themselves. They'll definitely be a better person for it! : )

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